Friday, February 26, 2010

02-26-10 Mark's WOD


ADD 1 Pull up per minute Max rep

Thurs. 02-26-10 Mark's WOD


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wed. 02-24-10 Mark's Wod

REHAB work on Knee
Include extension & hyperextension
1 legged squat on Right knee (50)

Upper Body Warm Up
Planque x 3 (1:30 sec.)
Ring L-sit x 3 (10 sec.)
Archer PU x 3 (3 x 3031)

A. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken bench press - 95# in 3:00
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes

B. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken KB truck rotations 1:30
rest EXACTLY 1:00 Minute

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday 02-22-10 Mark's WOD

Ok so I've got a Torn ACL tendon along with a damaged miniscus in my left knee. I could get upset about the whole thing but I prefer to turn it around as a positive and move forward. Starting the pre-op rehab with Adrianne today and I will try a short upper body if I can.

Planque 45snds each (mid, left, right)
50 Push Ups
50 Ring body Row
50 Sit Ups
Planque 30snds each (mid, left, right)
25 Push Ups
25 Squats
25 Sit Ups
Planque 15snds each (mid, left, right)
For Time

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thurs. 02-11-10 Mark's WOD

Warm Up


100 situps
100 pushups
100 squats

In any order for Time: 11:34

Wed. 02-10-10 Mark's Wod

Rest Day

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday 02-09-10 Mark's Wod

Saw this photo and I was pumped to get into the Gym

Gymnastic Warm Up

Tabata Pushup 20/10 x 8rds
Tabata Sit Ups 20/10 x 8rds
Tabata Squat (Maybe, if the Knee feels up to it) 20/10 x 8rds

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 reps

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday 02-08-10 Mark's WOD

So I had food poisoning all weekend. I didn't know I could puke that much and haven't trained since Friday night. So food poisoning and a tweeked knee, last week was not the best.

Lets get into it slowly this week.


30-25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds of:
GHD sit-up
Back extension
Knees to elbow
95 pound Stiff legged deadlift

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday 02-05-10 Mark's Wod

Gymnastic Warmup

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 GHD Sit ups

20minutes AMRAP

Thursday 02-04-10 Mark's Wod

Rest Day

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wedseday 02-03-10 Mark's WOD

Warm Up

5 Handstand push ups
10 Ring push ups
15 Sledge Hammer Hits

5 Rounds For Time

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday 02-02-10 Mark's Wod

Saw this pic on Main sight and thought it was motivating as hell because I know what that shirt says on the front.

So I've been out since Thursday because a stupid newbie couldn't follow directions and wanted to be billy badass. Long story short the idiot screwed up a judo throw and fell on my knee. My knee is currently screwed up. New resolution: do not train with green Krav Maga Students, they know enough to hurt you but don't have the control or maturity to follow instruction. Enough about that I'm going to concentrate on upper body for the next couple of weeks.

Warm Up:

3 Sets of:

1) Dead-Hang Pull Ups x 5
2) Muscle up Rows x 3

Core/Low Back

3 Sets of:

1) Tuck L-Sit on the rings x 10 seconds
2) Ball Back Extensions x 10 reps


25 Pull ups
6 Body Weight Bench
20 Pull ups
4 Body Weight Bench
15 Pull ups
3 BodyWeight Bench
10 Pull ups
1 body Weight Bench
5 Pull ups

Pull Ups must be done unbroken or set starts over.

For Time