Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Have been lazy about updating this week:

Monday: Kayak - My technique has been improving I'm keeping up with a lot of the advanced guys

Tuesday: Had a business fuction


21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
Clean (135)
Ring Dips

Navigation practice Map reading, Coordinates, Plotting, Pace counting, Taking a bearing, Dead reckoning.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I haven't had a chance to post this week because I've been stuck in the 4th level of hell know as "Oracle computer training program". I would rather shove a cactus up my ass than go through that again. Most boring class ever! Anyways, went to Vik's class at lucch and we did mainpage:

30 Clean and Jerk(155lbs)

Time: 19 something

My time sucked, I was snail on the run and did the lifting very carefully. My knee is definatley not a 100%.

Rock climbing this afternoon with Jeanna

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Warm Up:

Foam Roll
Bas 3 x 2 Minute Rds
5x2 Bench @ 205lbs Follow each set with 5x Windmill burst push ups
5x2 Press @ 135lbs Follow each set with 5x HSPU
Cool Down
5 Wall Ball
10 Squat
10 Deadlift 205Rds
If Time 30 Minute Bike Ride

Friday, June 17, 2011

Been a while here's the update:

Knee is starting to feel better but I'm going to give it some more time and get it back to up to speed. I was planning on rock climbing but Raj has to work so I'm going to do an actual crossfit work out(between Adventure racing, Krav and Rockclimbing its been a while). It has been good to do some other things, AR has proven to me that I'm much more well rounded than most. I'm starting to get into the 3~4 hour endurance level and going strong. My short to mid term goal is to make the 18~24 hour endurance events and finish strong. My mid to long term goal is to climb at least two +14,000ft peaks next year. I'm trying to build the skill sets as well as I can in Houston:

Rock Climbing: I have started climbing regularly including learning to lead. I can already see a marked improvment. I want to hit up Enchanted rock before the end of summer and Hueco Tanks in the fall

Treking: I've started rucking by increasing distance, speed and amount of weight carried. (My favorite is what I call the Man's Triathlon 3 mile run with day pack 10~15 lbs of weight including water, 2 mile swim, & 6 mile ruck with 50% body weight roughly 100lbs) I'm going to start increasing distance and including land navigation(using UTM plotter, GPS points, & pace counting)

Camping: This I need to really step up, I either need to find someone who like the outdoors or start going out on my own. Jeanna is awesome at everything but she is super busy and definately more of a hilton camper than a sleep underneath the stars camper. I think I'm going to take a couple of extra days off when we go to the Frio river and camp out at Lost Maples.

WOD: Courtesy of Crossfit ABQ
It looks like Ben and Shane wrote this one for me


1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Strict chest-to-bar pull ups. Do not kip. If you can't quite get the movement, use assistance with bands. Full recovery between attempts.


Tabata plyo push ups

Tabata sit ups

Tabata push press 45/33# barbell

Score is the lowest number of reps in a set for each exercise

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5 Mile Timed Kayak Paddle

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kayaked Saturday morning in Galveston bay through a nav course designed by the AR club, it was hell. I spent most of the weekend recovering. Knee is still not a 100% so I'm taking it relatively easy. I started biking this morning and it felt pretty good. I'm just going to take it slow on anything related to my knee.

Warm Up and Foam Roll

3 K2E +2 Ring Pull Ups+1 Muscle up+2 Ring Dips+3 K2E (Unbroken)
Planque 30 Seconds

Repeat as many times as possible in 20 Minutes

Dri-Fire Pistol Standards

Thursday, June 9, 2011

5x Body Weight Bench
10x HSPU +
15x Ring Dips +
20x Pull Ups +
25x Sit-up +

2 Rds for sure 3rd if time

Monday, June 6, 2011

2 x Muscle Up
4 x Dead Hang Pull Up
8 x KTE
16 x Push Up
30 Sec Planque

5 Rds
Kayak Practice:

1-1/2 Hrs 60~70% effort

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tweeked my bad knee last night during navigation practice. I'm going to give it a couple of days res and see how it goes. Upper body Wods here we come.

5 Rds
10 Bodyweight Bench Press
5 Muscle ups